MacBook SSD upgrade (15″ unibody mid. 2009 model)

A few days ago, I replaced my MacBook Pro’s Harddrive with a new Corsair SSD. I decided to buy a 240GB Force GS series SSD.
My MacBook Pro runs now very silent and fast, I recommend this update to everyone wo has an “older” MacBook and don’t want to buy a new one.


The SSD can work much faster, but my MacBook doesn’t support SATA3, so it negotiates a link speed of 1.5 Gigabit. But as you can see, the testresults are anyway much better:

Default Harddrive
Default Harddrive
SSD Harddrive
SSD Harddrive

To enable TRIM-Support on a Mac with a non Apple SSD, you must do the trick on the console. But to keep it easy and stupid, I downloaded the TRIM-Enabler, and TRIM is now enabled 😉 Keep in mind, that you must enable TRIM again, if there are some Updates for your Mac.

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