Do you want to build your Airplane tracker by yourself? It’s easy and it’s realtime, not delayed like flightradar24.
What do you need?
- A DVB-T Stick with a RTL-Based Chip like this one ( also usable for other SDR projects)
- A piece of Software like dump1090 to read the ADS-B information.
Here are the steps for Linux/Unix Systems:
Download and unzip the Software:
Change into the unzipped directory and execute make:
cd dump1090-master/
Plug in your DVB-T stick and launch dump1090:
./dump1090 --interactive --net
The option “interactive” tells the program to output planes with automatically refreshed screen every second
The option “net” enables networking support.
After a few seconds you should see the first planes:
You can even connect with your webbrowser to to see the planes on a map.
Now you should see planes near you. It’s best to go outside with your antenna to track airplanes. You can even build better antennas 😉 See the links below.
Happy plane tracking!
DIY Antenna: ADS-B wine cork antenna
Or if you use Windows see this post here: dump1090 on Windows